Best UK Draught
Beer Dark Star APA, Fyne Ales Rune, Camden Wheat, Marble Draft
Best UK Bottled
or Canned Beer Table Beer from The Kernel Brewery
Best Overseas
Draught Beer Moonlight Death & Taxes, as consumed at Flavor, Santa Rosa CA, in November
Best Overseas Bottled or Canned Beer I was given a bottle of Russian River Sanctification batch 1, which was stunning. Technically not 2012, but best I drank.
Best Overseas Bottled or Canned Beer I was given a bottle of Russian River Sanctification batch 1, which was stunning. Technically not 2012, but best I drank.
Best Overall
Beer See above
Best Pumpclip or
Label Revolutions' Unknown Pleasures and the white stick RRBC use for their Blind Pig IPA
Best UK Brewery In no particular order - Magic Rock, Dark Star, Fyne, The Kernel, Ilkley, Arbor all impressive this year
Best Overseas
Brewery Russian River Brewing Co
Pub/Bar of the
Year Toronado, San Francisco
Best Beer Blog
or Website Boak & Bailey and Reluctant Scooper
In 2013 I’d most
like to... keep up better with the London scene
Death and Taxes is simply wonderful, and all-too-often overlooked in the sour-hop-immense culture in the U.S.
I'm a big fan of those beers, Lew. Straightforward, just about sessionable. Brian Hunt ploughs his own furrow...
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