Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Orwell's Sheep

Synchronicity, eh? There's Roger Protz over at Pete Brown's blog, defending CAMRA members against a charge of boorishness, and in his defence, recalling the monstering he took at the hands of the BrewDog BrewPuppies when he criticised the brewer some months back.

Over at BrewDog, James Watt (below, left) posts some footage of a business-themed reality show he took part in last year, and won. I guess the lads must have been between shenanigans. Anyway, with Pavlovian reliability, the Puppies sprang to the job of reminding readers that, like the sheep in Animal Farm, "BrewDog goo-oo-ood, everything else baa-aa-ad!". In this case, James's female partner on the show is the target for their bile. On the BD blog, insults like "stupid cow" and "bint" are offered, one poster mused on how filled with hate he was by her while another wondered how James hadn't killed her. The best is to be found on their Facebook page, where somebody called Andrew posted that he wanted to see an episode where James broke a bottle over her head.

I've met James Watt. He struck me as a thoughtful bloke. Certainly not somebody who would resort to violence or abuse in the face of TV-engineered provocation. Why these dolts would want to see him lose it and attack a woman is beyond me, but then I've wondered how many of them are supposed to be on the big people's interwebs. Emotionally, they're all juveniles.


Cooking Lager said...

They are all juveniles? I thought we were all juveniles?

Sid Boggle said...

Ssshhh! You're spoiling the atmos...

Rob Sterowski said...

It does seem worrying that they seem to have attracted a following of uncritical fanboys who are complete tossers.

Sid Boggle said...

I dunno Barm. Smartarse marketing doesn't explain it...